Affiliate Hunt

If you’re searching for a perfect affiliate to promote your products, look no further! In this article, we'll show you how to use Affiliate Hunt - our affiliate search tool to find and contact partners that align with your brand's values.

Check out our video tutorial, or keep reading our article for an in-depth description of Affiliate Hunt setup:

Credit system

Depending on your subscription plan, you will receive a certain amount of credits that can be used to send an email to a selected affiliate:

  • Free plan - 5 Hunt credits/ mo
  • Starter plan - 50 Hunt credits/ mo
  • Pro plan - 150 Hunt credits/ mo
  • Premium plan - 300 Hunt credits/ mo

Every email sent to an affiliate through Affiliate Hunt will deduct 1 credit. Credits are replenished when the new billing cycle starts.

Navigating through Affiliate Hunt

Affiliate Hunt allows you to recruit new affiliates and make them your brand ambassadors with just a few clicks! It's important to double-check your program’s commission details, fill in terms & conditions, and review any additional settings related to your program before you contact affiliates.

Affiliate Hunt is divided into 3 tabs that help you organize the process of recruiting affiliates: Search, Wishlist, and Contacted:
  • In Search tab, there are several filters that can help you look for the right affiliate. You can search relevant affiliates by domain, article, or email, and invite them to the program of your choosing. You will be able to review the search results and wishlist the affiliates that seem like just the right fit for your affiliate program. There's no limit to how many times you can search for an affiliate!
  • In Wishlist tab, you can then select which affiliates would you like to contact with the offer to join your program. This is where you spend your Hunt credits to email the affiliates you've wishlisted. Feel free to customize the Affiliate Hunt Outreach email template to give your emails a more personal touch!
  • Lastly, in Contacted tab, you'll be able to track all affiliates that have already been contacted. You can also see whether they've taken up on the offer and joined your affiliate program. 

And that's it! Now you know how to use Affiliate Hunt to take your affiliate program to the next level!

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