One-Click Registration
The One-Click Registration is available on the following platforms:
This option allows you to get new partners into your affiliate program within a matter of one click.
Step 1: Enable one-click registration
To do that, visit this page and check one-click registration enabled.
Step 2: Copy the customer partner portal link
You can find the link at the bottom of the previous page.
Step 3: Put the link on your website
We are suggesting adding the link to your page's footer. To do that, in your Shopify Admin, go to Themes and press Customize.
Then go to Sections and select Footer. In Content, add a new menu that would redirect people to the Customer partner panel login link. Here's an example of how it can look like:
You can place the link anywhere on your website; however, that'd require some basic HTML knowledge. If you need the one-click registration link somewhere else, let us know, and we'll help you out.
Customer interactions
If a customer who's not registered in GrowthHero but is logged on their account in the business clicks the Join now! button, he'll join your program instantly and the Partner Portal will open. In case they've already registered for your affiliate program, clicking the link will make them log in to the app.
If a customer is not logged in within your business, the link will bring him to the sign-up page.
The one-click sign-up link directs people to your default program.
Well done! Now you know everything about one-click registration.